
cross section (有代表性的)橫截面,剖面;抽樣,樣品;【原子能】有效截...

cross talk

Fe stress analysis of the cross section of toroidal field in ht - 7u 超導托克馬克裝置縱場線圈截面應力分析

Ring rolling technology for al alloy ring with rectangular cross section 矩形截面鋁合金環件軋制成形方法

2 the cross section of diamond layer 2鉆石層的斷面形狀

Milled files ; lengths , cross sections 銑削銼刀.長度截面

Ettectlve cross section area of bolt 螺栓有效截面面積57

Two shafts with rectangular cross section 兩個矩形橫截面

The cross sections are very import 的離解截面是很重要的。

Warding files ; lengths , cross sections 鎖孔用銼.長度和截面

After incision , on the cross section also can have redfiliform 切開之后,斷面上還會有紅色的絲狀物。

Database construction and road cross section computer aided design 道路路基橫斷面數據庫及其輔助設計

The kiln of circular design will have a shaft cross section of approx 該圓形設計的窯窯筒截面積約為

Area of cross section of the main air flow 主送風方向橫截面積

Measurement of l - shell ionization cross sections for silver by electron impact 殼層電離截面的測量

See , you can tell by the cross section 瞧,你能從橫截面看出來

A thrombosis of a coronary artery is shown here in cross section 此橫截面顯示冠狀動脈血栓形成。

Difference of temperature in cross section of kiln 窯內斷面溫差

General purpose tapered and reduced cross section retaining rings 通用錐形和減縮橫截面鎖緊擋圈

Oval cross section and plastic sealing washer 橢圓截面塑性密封圈

. tapered and reduced cross section retaining rings inch series ; addenda 錐形的縮徑橫斷面擋圈